Frequently asked questions

To make our available documents easy to find, we have created a searchable system that guides users to the right documentation, via our Solution Finder. In this system, you can easily search for information based on keywords, challenges, topics, species or platform. We even have a guided search option available to help you identify your challenges, your needs and perhaps the appropriate solutions.

In the keyword search, you can perform a search on any keyword with or without using additional filter options. Just type in the keyword you would like to search for and then press enter. If you want to use additional filters, click on the button ‘show filters’ to use these together with your keyword search.

A challenge is an issue or a need that you might experience in your day to day work. We have identified a wide range of challenges for which we offer solutions. Once you select a challenge, you will find a description of what this challenge focuses on and also all the documents, which provide you with insights or a solution to this particular challenge. You can filter on challenges, in combination with a keyword search or the use of additional filters (species, topics, product platforms).

Topics are broader categories that are relevant for the animal nutrition and health industry. Topics can be general or focused on monogastric health, monogastric nutrition, ruminant health, ruminant nutrition, feed processing or feed safety. You can filter on topics in combination with a keyword search or the use of additional filters (challenges, species, product platforms).

Species are the animals the documents are applicable to. We have general species searches along with those specific to a species. Explore them by clicking on the button ‘show filters’ and then select the specie which is most appropriate for you. Once you click on ‘show results’, you will see all the challenges related to this specie. You can filter on specie in combination with a keyword search or the use of additional filters (challenges, topics, product platforms).

Our solutions are divided into five platforms: monogastric health, monogastric nutrition, ruminant health & nutrition and feed processing & feed safety. You can filter by product platform, in combination with a keyword search or the use of additional filters (challenges, topics, species).

In the guided search option we guide you through some popular and pre-defined searches. You can select the relevant and matching answer to each of the questions raised and the guide will then show you the possible solutions for these challenges.  You can always click ‘see results’ to immediately see them.

On the top and bottom of the page, you will find a button ‘Contact us’. If you click on this button, a form will appear, where we ask you to fill in some details. These help us to formulate the right answer, to redirect you to the relevant specialist and to provide you with feedback. We commit to giving feedback within the next two working days.

You can download documents by clicking on the button ‘download file’. This will enable downloading. Please note that not all documents or videos can be downloaded. If you have a specific need for any of these files, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Some of our documents are labelled with a ‘request access’ button. To have access to the entire file, you need to request access by clicking on this button. Our team will review this request as soon as possible. Once access is granted, you will receive a notification by e-mail that you have received permission to view this document.